PRO-BONO WORK Biodiversity Audits have been carried out for the following parishes: Catsfield and Crowhurst, East Sussex.
Free initial advice is available for other parishes, otherwise commissions undertaken (contact
CATSFIELD, East Sussex – Biodiversity Audit
Natural Habitats: Ancient Meadows, Ancient Woodlands, Hedgerows, Ponds, Streams, Sandstone Outcrops, Medieval Field Systems, SSSIs, AONB, TPOs and special for Crowhurst: Fore Wood RSPB, Quarry Wood, and the Link Road impact; special for Catsfield: Wylands ..
Flora and Fauna: Angiosperms, Fungi, Ferns, Avifauna, Reptiles, Amphibians, Invertebrates
Special sub-reports: Farms and their influence on nature; Dark Skies report, CAVAT report, ASH report, Allocated (housing sites), NET LOSSES